Could Dazelle prove than in Australia God Is Dying

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A gravely ill girl had a profound dream whilst on Life Support. In the dream she was walking for a long time when she came across an illuminated bridge, there were people on the other side of the bridge, silhouettes calling her across. She was about to cross when a man with long hair put his hand on her shoulder and told her not to cross the bridge, instead he told her to turn around and head back. His name she said, was Eli.
Miraculously she pulled through and came back to us, but now to survive she needs a double lung transplant, and our medical system won’t give her one unless she agrees to have four jabs, and then, in front of her, the Doctor asked her father if she survived the transplant, could the family afford her medication. Basically, comply or die, and then, can you afford to live.
But the question is, if God sent her back to us, and since we have the wealth and expertise to give her the best chance to live, who are we if we don’t try?
In Australia, when it comes to our health system and others systems of Government, is God Dead.
We reached out to the Archbishop of Victoria and several Priests but they would not comment or come on, so instead we have managed to locate one Rabbi from Germany who has the courage to talk about it.
Welcome, Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver.

the interview with the little girl and her father

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