7 Long Range Shooting Myths Most "Gun Guys" Still Believe

1 year ago

If you're getting into long-range shooting, here are a few tips and tricks that I picked up recently at a shooting class.


Hearing Protection: https://goaxil.com/pages/gs-extreme-affiliatte-special?rfsn=6403930.682a688

Shooting Glasses: https://www.gatorz.com/discount/K0909?aff=Backfire&utm_campaign=referral-program

Hunting Backpack: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=2177027&u=3175382&m=132730&urllink=&afftrack=

My favorite scopes (blog post) https://backfire.tv/scope

My favorite rifles (blog post) https://backfire.tv/best-hunting-rifle/

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