"The Bilderberg Group Is a Jesuit Creation"

1 year ago

"The Bilderberg Group Is a Jesuit Creation"
An annoying Computer Voice, but worth the listen...
Mirrored From: You Tube                         channel " Eric 777 at: https://youtu.be/jKWaWwhi42Q
So great was the impact of the restoration of Biblical truth and the freedom that it brought to the people, that the Catholic Church began to plot how to slow down and overturn the Reformation.
This is where in 1534 AD the JESUIT order or "Society of Jesus" is formed by a Spanish Templar Knight by the name of Inigo or "Ignatius" de Loyola." In 1540 AD Loyola is granted permission by the pope to start a new "militant" order and all indicators point to full support and involvement by the Black Nobility families for this venture.
In reality, the Jesuits simply took over the "role" of the Templar  and  Dominican  Orders as foot soldiers for the Vatican, engaging in political intrigue and the fomenting of plots to destroy all enemies of Rome, *restore the Pope's TEMPORAL and SPIRITUAL power and bring greater world influence and power to the Roman Catholic Empire.
The Jesuits have masterminded "every" assassination, government downfall, revolution, war, genocide and ideological subversion over the last 500 years.
The leader of the Jesuits is called the "superior general" and is unofficially known as the "BLACK POPE" and is today probably the most powerful man on Earth as he controls all world leaders, militaries and intelligence agencies.
No one is free to do as they please and failure to "OBEY" Rome and its agenda results in speedy retribution in the form of assassination, military coup, revolution or outright war against that leader and the nation. 
Jesuit - planned events resulting in social chaos and bloodshed over the last 500 years could be turned into an extensive list and would result in a book. Such is the tale of human tragedy and horror perpetrated by these Son's Of Satan!
Download a short list of Jesuit planned atrocities for the 20th century, HERE
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