PRO3600 Digital Level Best Level For Leveling Machinery and Propellers

1 year ago

For When It Has To Meet Specification

The PRO 360 and Pro 3600 Digital Protractors from M-D Building Products are high precision measuring tools that provide an immediate reading of all angles in all 360 degrees. Assembled in the USA, the heart of these products is a custom sensor inclinometer that is made in Oklahoma City. With over 1,500,000 sold, this proven technology is the only product of its kind tested by MD that actually meets high accuracy specifications. No foreign knock-off even meets their own specifications. Backed by a 1 year limited warranty and a rugged aluminum frame these high precision protractors are great for machine set-up or unlimited other industrial applications. ISU ModuleThe PRO 3600 unit allows for enhanced, angle data recording, featuring an RS-232 compatible serial interface for transmission of angle measurement data to a computer or other SPC equipment. The MD Data Logger Software makes hooking up to the serial port on any computer easy and data recording fast that saves time and saves money. USB adapters are available. Also available is the Inclinometer Sensing Unit (ISU) printed circuit board that incorporates the same technology as the high accuracy of the protractors, but is available for incorporation by OEMs. Please look inside for more information on these products.

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