World Premiere Fortune X Video Poker, from Yaamava'!

1 year ago

Play my Fortune X tournament now for a free stay at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas!

Fortune X Basic Strategy for playing 9/6 DDB during the bonus feature. Normal 9/6 DDB returns 98.98% but Fortune X increases that just a bit. Pay tables below:
9/6 99.007%
9/5 97.926%
8/5 96.81%

For Fortune X you will play the base game during the non feature hands just as you would a normal 9/6 DDB game. However, the holds change drastically during the course of the Feature.

2x Round- Hold two pair or better only.
Royal Flush
Four Aces/2s/3s/4s with A/2/3/4 kicker
4 of a kind
Straight Flush
4 to a Royal Flush
3 of a kind: Aces
Full House
Two Pair
Discard all other hands

3x Round:
Royal Flush
Four Aces/2s/3s/4s with A/2/3/4 kicker
4 of a kind
Straight Flush
4 to a Royal Flush
3 of a kind: Aces, 2’s -4’s
Full House
Two pair
Jacks or better
Four to the flush
Three to the royal flush
Discard all other hands

5x Round- This is the most complicated round IMO.
Royal Flush
Four Aces/2s/3s/4s with A/2/3/4 kicker
4 of a kind
Straight Flush
4 to a Royal Flush
3 of a kind: All
Full House
Jacks or better
Four to the flush
4 to a Straight Flush
4 to the straight
Low pair
Two high cards
Discard all other hands

8x Round-
Royal Flush
Four Aces/2s/3s/4s with A/2/3/4 kicker
4 of a kind
Straight Flush
4 to a Royal Flush
3 of a kind: Aces
Full House
3 of a kind: 2s thru Ks
4 to a Straight Flush
1 pair: Aces
2 pair
3 to a Royal Flush: JQK
1 pair: Kings
3 to a Royal Flush: TJQ
1 pair: Jacks or Queens
4 to a Flush
3 to a Royal Flush: TJK/TQK, TJA/TQA/TKA/JQA/JKA/QKA
4 to a Straight: 89TJ, 9TJQ, TJQK
One high card
Discard all other hands

12x Round- Play as you normally would play 9/6 DDB :-)

Below is the basic Strategy for playing 9/6 DDB with the best holds in descending order, from the Wizard of odds. Link below.

Royal Flush
Four Aces/2s/3s/4s with A/2/3/4 kicker
4 of a kind
Straight Flush
4 to a Royal Flush
3 of a kind: Aces
Full House
3 of a kind: 2s thru Ks
4 to a Straight Flush
1 pair: Aces
2 pair
3 to a Royal Flush: JQK
1 pair: Kings
3 to a Royal Flush: TJQ
1 pair: Jacks or Queens
4 to a Flush
3 to a Royal Flush: TJK/TQK, TJA/TQA/TKA/JQA/JKA/QKA
4 to a Straight: 89TJ, 9TJQ, TJQK
1 pair: 2s thru 10s
4 to a Straight: 2345, 3456, 4567, 5678, 6789, 789T
3 to a Straight Flush: 345, 456, 567, 678, 789, 89T, 89J/8TJ, 8JQ, 9TJ, 9TQ/9JQ, 9JK/9QK
4 to a Straight: JQKA
2 to a Royal Flush: JQ, JK/QK, JA/QA/KA
4 to a Straight: 9JQK, TJQA/TJKA/TQKA
3 to a Straight Flush: Ace-low, 234/235/245, 346/356, 457/467, 568/578, 679/689, 78T/78J/79J, 79T/7TJ, 89Q/8TQ, 9TK
3 to a Straight: JQK
4 to a Straight: 89JQ/8TJQ, 9TJK/9TQK
2 to a Straight: JQ
1 high card: Ace
2 to a Royal Flush: TJ
2 to a Straight: JK/QK
3 to a Flush: 2TK to 8TK
2 to a Royal Flush: TQ, TK
1 high card: J/Q/K
3 to a Straight Flush: 236/246/256, 347/357/367, 458/468/478, 569/579/589, 67T/68T/69T
4 to a Straight: 2346/2356/2456, 3457/3467/3567, 4568/4578/4678, 5679/5689/5789, 678T/679T/689T
Discard everything

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