EBS - Disclosure - N*clear Explosion - Rupture of Space Time Continuum *Rumble Exclusive*

1 year ago

EBS - mini broadcastings - It starts with you - as within so with out
Mandela Effect - Infinite Timelines
Holodeck (Star Trek) - Goosebumps (the books)
Kinetic from the Galactic Federation
You chose your History
The Explosion was Divine
Timeline Hopping - Greys - Hybrid Program
Space Time Continuum
Neutrality - Unconditional Love Vibration - Chosen Experiences

A mass EBS is not in the books according to my timeline reality - but a titration of mini broadcastings via a disclosure process is.
My higher self points out that there are an infinite amount of timelines, with an infinite amount of collective timelines to go with it. So an EBS might occur in someone elses reality. But to align with an EBS reality means needing that sort of a massive wake up call.
For those who are ascending and are more aligned to their soul in their awareness, they will be experiencing softer disclosures. But its important to grasp that our external reality will only shift as an inner reflection of our own. That is why inner soul alignment will cause a softer experience with mini broadcastings to wake up the collective.
An EBS could be very disruptive and destructive, if you are aligned to my timeline reality - that will not be part of our experience.
Kenetic from the Galactic Federation comes forward to enlighten us on how timelines work within this reality/program construct. We select our own history and so we chose a history where the rupture of the space time continuum took place with the explosion of the nuclear warheads. This created rifts within the programs so much so that it allowed for; interdimensional travel, timeline hopping, the intervention of enlightened ETs via the prime directive as well as a multitude of other effects we have not yet come to realize or will never be able to comprehend in this life.
It is also to be known that even though an event such as this caused devastation and destruction and death, that it was still divine. Those lives lost chose that life, that experience and that death. While it’s sometimes hard to imagine, souls do choose lives like that. And my higher self says that souls choose to experience everything that could possibly exist, no matter the vibration, or if a conscious life views it as right or wrong - it is to be experienced and it CAN be experienced. Souls see these experiences as opportunities to grow, learn and expand. Remember - everything is one, in the true vibration of unconditional love, experiences are neutral and are just experiences. Every life holds value to experience and what might seem like a very unattractive life for us might seem like the opportunity of a lifetime (so to speak) for a soul to experience.


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