Acts 20 The Second Missionary Journey Philippi Acts 16:12-40

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SBC Family and Friends,

This will be fun. We meet three people tonight; Lydia, a demon-possessed slave-girl, and the Philippian jailer. These are some of the people in Macedonia who needed help. The help came in the form of the gospel. That is really the most fundamental help that people need. They don't fundamentally need more money, more food, or more stuff. They fundamentally need the gospel. This is what sets them free and gives them hope. Paul immediately went there to give them the gospel of hope.

Aren't you glad that you have already believed the gospel of hope? If you are, the response is one of joy and Christian hospitality. Lydia and the Philippian jailer both responded with hospitality. They wanted to help Paul and Silas out of gratitude that they brought them the real help they needed. This is the right response to being saved!

I hope to see you tonight.

Download the attached handout:

Acts - key word growth
Galatians - key word gospel
1 Thessalonians - key word rapture (coming soon)
2 Thessalonians - key word day of the Lord (coming soon)

Grace to you,


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