May 4, 2023 🙏 Jesus says... Civil War is coming and it will be bloody... Pray for Donald Trump

1 year ago

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Civil War is coming and it will be bloody... Pray for Donald Trump

May 4, 2023 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Greetings, dear family, we read in Matthew 24:6... “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Lord, forgive me I am barely here.

(Jesus) “At least you are trying, Clare.”

(Clare) Is all this about our nation really true?

(Jesus) “It is true, and being prepared in the background as we speak. They are engineering a split in the nation. It will be a war very much like the Civil War.”

(Clare) Lord, how can this be, aren’t we too civilized for that kind of event?

(Jesus) “The forces behind this are deeply entrenched, and very large. All this time things have been fomenting. The patriots are a force to be reckoned with. They will not roll over to Satan and let the beast system prevail. Many of their ancestors fought hard to have freedom. The deep state will not prevail over them. Yet it will be a tragically bloody war. I know this was not in your sights, but it is coming, and soon. And yes, the crash will have a bearing on this, it will factor in as a catalyst. You see, it is Me, Beloved, My brownie loving wife… (He smiled).

“I appreciate that you are considering abstinence. I think we can do this without the brownies. Do you want to try? Again?”

(Clare) If it would please You, Jesus, and I can still function.

(Jesus) “Let’s try.”

(Clare) Okay.

(Jesus) “You see, I have taken your appetite for them away. That is quite a gift, please do not presume on that.”

(Clare) Thank You Lord, please help me.

(Jesus) “You will be safe, but keep a very low profile. You do not need to attract attention in the stores.”

(Clare) I keep feeling like I should be in contact with some patriots or Republicans in the area.

(Jesus) “It is best for you to stay anonymous. If I want them to know about you, I will make the connection. Pray against HATRED, there will be much of that released into the public to incite rioting. You remember the CERN dark matter? That will be used during this time. So, it is best to lay very low.”

(Clare) Lord, I don’t understand why there will be fighting, or even two sides? It would seem that the assassination of President Trump would be a catalyst… but he is coming back into office, so I am quite confused.

(Jesus) “There are yet announcements to be made. Many changes in the government are going to be implemented, you will see the outcome. Trust Me, just trust Me.”

(Clare) What about Donald? Is he really a Chabad loyalist?

(Jesus) “No, not at all, it’s just a part of the game he must play for now, but after the revolution, all that will be done away with. Your part of the country will be the remnant part, My placement of you was quite deliberate.”

(Clare) And that was the end of the Lord’s message. Family, let us continue to pray against hatred and war, and for angelic protection around Donald Trump. God bless you, and may He show you His favor and give you His peace.

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