Hoffman Road Cleanup by Island County Taxpayers

1 year ago

The illegal homeless camper addicts are not being made to leave. The taxpayers are paying for the cleanup of the tons of garbage brought here by the homeless addicts. They are being allowed to stay where they are.

On camera is the Island County Sheriff Rick Felici and 2 deputies. They swear there is a Phase 2 to this operation but couldnt tell me what it is or a timeline in dealing with Hoffman Road.

Interesting thing is, there was an Oak Harbor police officer who showed up during the conversation but Oak Harbor's city council members and its police department love to pass the buck to the county and swear this is a county problem and not a city problem. Then why is OHPD on site?

Here is another question I couldnt figure out. Why is the road closed to law abiding tax paying citizens but all the illegal camping homeless addicts who are responsible for this taxpayer funded cleanup are allowed to mill about on Hoffman Road and work on their derelict vehicles while I was having this conversation?

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