S&W Model 59 9MM Semi-Automatic Pistol Tabletop Review - Episode #202312

1 year ago

The S&W Model 59 9MM Semi-Automatic double-stacked 14 round double-action pistol is said to have launched S&W into the “Wonder Nines” era of the 70’s and 80’s. Proceeded by its predecessor, the popular 8 round single stacked Model 39, the Model 59 was the choice of law enforcement and government agencies during its day. The S&W Model 59 was considered a true “Game Changer” for its time. This particular S&W Model 59 was produced early on and in addition to being in very rough condition externally, appears to have had a problem with remaining in single-action mode. During this review, we’ll clean it up giving it a completely new look with bight frame and dark re-blued slide finish. Complete disassembly will detail the search for solving the single-action failure with a successful conclusion. Includes range activity and a demonstration of disassembly and reassembly.

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