“What Does Jesus Say About Judging Others?”

1 year ago

New Series, “Jesus’ Parables: The Original TED Talks”
This week: “What Does Jesus Say About Judging Others?”
May 17, 2023

This weekend, we begin a new series called, Jesus’ Parables: The Original TED Talks. Jesus was the best storyteller, and He did it by telling parables. So, over the next four weeks, we’re going to look at four of His most famous stories.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Christians shouldn’t judge anyone because Jesus says, “Judge not, lest you be judged?” That famous statement is found in Matthew 7:1-5. And it’s true, but it’s only one part of the entire story. Jesus often has a few points built into his communication. So, I hope you can join me this Sunday as we look at “What Does Jesus Say About Judging Others?” It’s going to be a great message geared to help you in your daily life as well as clear the air on an often-confusing subject.

See you Sunday!
- Pastor Todd

Join us:
✓ Sunday: Main Street campus, Compass website, Compass Facebook pages, and YouTube: 9:00am and 10:30am
✓ Sunday: Marina campus: 10:00am
✓ Sunday: Padre Drive campus: 10:30am and 6:30pm

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