Receive The Joy Of Forgiving Others

1 year ago

"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me?" - Simon Peter.

Jesus tells a story about a man who is forgiven a large debt, but refused to forgive a much smaller debt owed him.

We may become angry with how greedy and unkind he is, but Jesus is challenging us with this story.

We ask for God's forgiveness, yet still carry grudges. We remember and resent what's been said or done against us.

If we accept God's forgiveness and fail to forgive others, we're no different from that ungrateful man in the story.

Jesus teaches us to forgive and keep forgiving, so much so that we can't even remember how many times we've forgiven.

It's a transformation that happens when we walk in His Spirit.

Father, thank you for forgiving my sins. Help me to forgive others, showing them the same grace you've shown to me.

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