VA Disability Q&A with Atty Shelly Mark and Agent Kerry Baker [01/04/2023]

2 years ago

We are nationwide VA-Accredited Disability Lawyers helping veterans get the rightful benefits they deserve. Tune in most Wednesdays (sometimes Thursdays) afternoon to get answers for your pressing disability questions LIVE.

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Attorney Shelly Mark
Agent Kerry Baker

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00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Denied Menier’s Disease, I did submit a Nexus Letter. What would be the next step HLR?
02:16 - Do you receive backpay from the date of the old claim or new?
03:26 - You have an appeal at BVA, but you have additional new disabilities to claim, will the VA allow this?
05:33 - Can I do claim for insomnia as a secondary to my PTSD or is insomnia part of my PTSD symptoms?
07:06 - Will enrollment in VR&E lessen my chance of having TDIU awarded?
10:43 - How do I go about removing that SC condition deviated septum?
13:15 - When will AMA supplemental claims be processed?
15:57 - How should you structure a HLR Document to make it effective with the VA?
17:30 - Job postings for remote/virtual staff attorneys at BVA. What are your thoughts on this?
19:08 - Was this a pending/unadjudicated claim and is 2008 effective date possible?
23:20 - If I decline to see a Psych doc because I work there, is that denying Depression?
26:01 - Hypertension & Ischemic Heart Problems, Do I apply for both on different line or just apple for one?
27:27 - How I calculate back pay?
30:45 - Deemed 100% PT. What can I do to help mitigate the chance of me losing that over time?
33:36 - Can anything be done to expedite the C-file requests?
36:04 - Pact Act
41:57 - If a veteran is at 100 P&T but have other claim pending as Tinnitus, can it be closed?
43:23 - How long do you have to file for back pay after decision?
45:25 - What is best source that has a list of heart conditions are eligible?
49:32 - I recently convinced my Uncle to pursue compensation, where should I start?
52:31 - Filed as a secondary condition to my S/C shoulder, recently filed claimed for convalescence.
54:46 - PTSD
56:44 - Are VA caregiver benefits available for mental health care?
59:10 - Is Hypothyroidism now considered a presumptive condition to burn pits under the Pact Act?

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