Luck Necklace Forced | Biokinesis Subliminal

1 year ago


*Bring Good vibes, Vigor, Luck, Wealth, Youth and Protection. *Can cure hexes and negative spells.

** ONLY PAID REQUESTS by PAYPAL! U$D80 each personalized subliminal (5 files each; 1 movie, 1 cover artwork, 1 affirmations artwork, 1 mp3 file for apple, 1 m4a file for android)
Subliminal Requests Please Contact at: Subject As Urgent!

This music 544 Hz been recorded with the intention to attract to yourself Powerful Luck at cellular, quantum and atomic levels, + combo, + forever young combo (all negativity) is literally broken, also bring vigor, luck, youth, wealth, abundance and health. It will help elevate your vibration with our attraction angelic harmony frequency. It is a Forced MEGA Combo!

This track is embedded with frequency of 544 Hz

#HorusLuckNeacklace #LuckBiokinesis #LuckSubliminal #resistance #richness #moneypower #millionaire #combo #wealth #healing #attracteverything #pleiadianintelligence #relaxation #peace #trip #love #light #replication #darknessremoval #biokinesis #subliminal

Subliminal Affirmations:

By the power of God and its creations my pineal gland is now creating the necessary supercells to turn everything I listen in this audio true now permanent

This audio has the power to replicate its effects by one thousand times per minute now true permanent.

I am installing the luck DNA in my life now, in my system now, true forever.

I am installing into my life and myself the Luck DNA, by cellular levels, atomic levels and quantum levels. True now Instantly permanent.

I am lucky in everything I do. I am lucky always, everywhere I go

I am super intelligent. I am smart and super strong.

I am lucky, supernaturally lucky. I am full of luck into myself and outside in my environment always. Wherever I go.

I am rich, healthy, young always, Protected against evil and dark forces.

Everything I listen now, true now permanent.

Thank you Universe, Thank you Gods.

It can be used with or without headphones. This music has been recorded with the intention to send out miracles to all who listen to this masterpiece.

This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.

Song: Borderless.
by Neil Cross

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