Avi The Grifter

1 year ago

We have an opportunity to see what was published VS what was captured. If Avi wasn't just trying to get soundbytes for his clickbait gonzo journalism, it could have been a better interview. Even if the whole video is available on rebel news somewhere, how many people just skim the headlines? The narratives between the clip and full version are a lot different.
AustraliaOneCrownOnePeople is not promoting any particular views in this interview.

Source: https://rumble.com/v2o8k3a-avi-edits.html

Comment: Proof of what many already knew, by his associations.

Aussie Cossack; not as much negative findings to report: https://rumble.com/v2p4iu0-semyon-boykov-hit-piece-2021.html

Australia1 however; 'top brass' looking even Worse threat than Avi. Deception, Lies, Omition, Subversion, continue Overawing Parliament (since 1901) "A1" CitizensShip dodgeyness - The CON for a Santanic Re-PUBLIC: https://rumble.com/v2p3fms-who-cares-not-for-blood-and-guts-of-anzac.html

Catch up on what most 'truthers' don't seem to see or know:


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