Daniel's 70 Weeks: Blueprint to Bible Prophecy

1 year ago

The 70 Weeks of Daniel is a message from God's Throne to Daniel via the angel Gabriel. The purpose was to give Daniel the "Skill to Understand", but not only Daniel, but to everyone. Here is the “Blueprint” of God’s plan for the future, this prophecy gives exact time that Jesus would be rejected by the nation of Israel to the very day. The Seventy Weeks, then tells us after the Messiah (Christ) is killed the city of Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed, this happened in A.D. 70, 37-years after Jesus was killed on the cross.

If you don’t understand the Daniel’s 70 Weeks, you will have a hard time understanding God’s plan and the End Times. The last part of the Seventy Weeks is an event known as the 70th Week, the final “Seven” year period before the return of Jesus Christ. One the key event of this period is the Third Temple, according to Daniel, a 3rd Temple will be built in the end times. The problem with building the Third Temple is it can only be built on Mount Moriah, this spot is currently occupied by the Third Most location in Islam, the Dome of the Rock. Here Mohammad claimed to ascend to heaven and meet with God in the night journey. Israel is a small nation, to build the 3rd Temple requires the removal of the Dome of the Rock, this is sure to set off worldwide war, yet the Bible tells us this is going to happen. This is part of Daniel’s 70 Weeks. This end time conflict is described in Ezekiel 38-39 as a Islamic invasion into the land of Israel.

The events in the Book of Revelation and the other End Time Prophesies in the Bible are built on the structure of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel. Revelation chapters 4 to 19 are details of the events of Daniel’s 70th Week. The reason the Third Temple is so important, is because it becomes the focus of the validity of God’s WORD. Is the will of the world, correct? Or the will of the God of the Bible?

The Jewish people build the Third Temple hoping it will be God’s will, while they still reject Jesus as Messiah. The Third Temple does not “Save” Israel in the end, its only the turning to the Messiah Jesus Christ that will Save Israel from the world. This is described in Zechariah Chapter 12, in verse 12:9, all the nations are gathered against Jerusalem and the Jews. Notice who saves the nation after the Holy Spirit is poured out on the inhabitants; its “Me” Whom they pierced. This is God speaking first person in this chapter, and God says, they will look on “Me” Whom they pierced. When was God pierced?
Zechariah 12:9-10 ESV
(9) And on that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
(10) “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look on me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him, as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him, as one weeps over a firstborn.

This is the Messiah killed in Daniel 9:26, the Suffering Messiah of Isaiah 53, the one who is rejected by the nation of Israel. At the end of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, Jesus Christ returns in Glory and Power as the nation of Israel finally understand Jesus is the Messiah.
#thirdtemple #seventyweeksofdaniel #revelation #bookofdaniel #rapture #apologetics

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