Worms in our children

1 year ago

Parasites & Heavy Metals

👉Parasites use heavy metals to disable and hide from the immune system. They will also coat their bodies in heavy metals to further hide from the immune system.

👉Candida and parasites actually feed on heavy metals and sugar and store them within biofilms or within their own organism. When people kill candida with antifungals, the die-off symptoms that are experienced are partly the result of the release of heavy metals into the body, which overwhelms the liver and cannot be excreted fast enough.

This is why detoxing heavy metals first or along with killing candida and parasites is imperative. If you do not, you risk releasing a lot of toxic metals redistributing throughout the body.

Parasites contain a long list of poisons and pathogens inside of them:

• Lyme lives in nematodes

• Bacteria live in Ascaris roundworms

• Mold lives in parasites

• Viruses (toxins) are stored in parasites

• Parasites produce exosomes (viruses)

• Parasites are sponges for heavy metals & other toxins

AND When these critters die-off, they release problematic poisons (like ammonia) that really take you out:

• Lyme slows drainage and elimination pathways (why drainage is so important)

• It Decreases ATP aka your cells ability to MAKE energy (and why we need to fix this)

• Since parasites use heavy metals to make its protective layer called ‘biofilm’, removing metals and biofilm is also essential

According to the research, around 80% of people who suffer from symptoms of Candida show elevated Mercury levels in their body. The growth of the fungus is the body's immune response to Mercury poisoning because the fungi connect with the heavy metal, therefore, providing safe storage. Candida is an immune response to heavy metal poisoning, especially mercury. It absorbs its weight in mercury and prevents it from entering your bloodstream. As long as the mercury is there, you will have a candida problem.

PBX is also used in preparations for humans to help with fungal infections. When parasites die off, the heavy metals are released, which can cause a fungal overgrowth and impair the immune system, which gives their offspring a more significant chance to reproduce. PBX does not accumulate in the body and does not attach itself to body tissues. It remains suspended while drawing out heavy metals that are attached to body tissues. This process allows the body to dispose of the metals through its normal detoxification processes. It reduces any die-off symptoms caused by the mycotoxins that candida can produce. It raises intestinal ph restoring the correct balance of acidity in the small and large intestine. The rising ph levels kill harmful bacteria while promoting the growth of good bacteria, thus helping to restore your bacterial imbalance to normal.

If you suffer from chronic health problems or chronic candida/parasite infections, then heavy metal toxicity is a likely reason as to why you are not getting better and regaining your health.

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