A Solution To Anger Management

1 year ago

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Effective Anger Management in Survival Situations
While faced with frozen tundra at midnight, I explore survival, utilising an advantageous mindset shift to overcome anger. We'll primarily be focused on ⁠anger management⁠ though this same perspective applies to all challenges. Here's a brief look:
• When you fixate on a problem, your energy or life gets consumed by your stress response.
• Change is more than possible if you catch yourself before you snap.
• Never be consumed by the situation.
• We all write the story of our lives while they happen. Such descriptions, when believed, unfortunately, ensure that reality becomes more prevalent in your experience.

Segment Transcript:

It's incredible what we humans are capable of.

As I sit here looking at the fire, it's 2:30 a.m. in the coldest winter for years at the time of recording this podcast.

It's so icy the firewood is frozen, and if I don't get this fire hot soon, I will be too.

In a tiny cabin surrounded by frost, as I marvel at the beauty, my breath caresses the air.

Despite the harshening of physical conditions, there is no lack of health, strength, or survival. In fact I feel as if everything is thriving from within.

Simultaneously inside life's challenges, there is a foundational context to every situation we encounter. That ultimate context of the experience we're going through contains the solutions we need to conquer the obstacles we face.

The resilience required, for example, in the middle of the night, using the fire to burn frozen wood to stay alive, isn't anywhere else to be found or separated from the circumstance itself.

Failure to recognise this hidden treasure within your mindset can easily break apart your perception and force you to run away in fear or strike out in anger.

Yet there is a meeting of that ultimate context with the practicality of survival. Within this challenging juncture, all knowledge needed to survive is present.

Knowing how to navigate the cold winter is the foundation of the actual experience itself.

At first, it sounds mind-bending because it's using a language which makes us look inward for solutions instead of outside of ourselves.

The outside experience, for example, is winter. It's freezing cold past midnight, and the wood is icy inside the cabin.

Anger is a natural survival response when it drops below a specific temperature. Your body wants to survive.

Within that survival reflex, you have two choices.

The first is to falter and default to self-focus. The result is fear, anger, and regret. A person may even damage themselves or what surrounds them to soothe the frustration, stress, and agony of that choice.

The second is to stop identifying with suffering. Widen your perspective and open your mind to the solution. That mindset alone will carry you through and shine light into the darkest challenges. Triumph becomes significantly possible despite your sympathetic nervous system response that screams survival signals.

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