Planning Board - 5/16/23

1 year ago

Temple Planning Board


Tuesday May 16th, 2023
7:00 pm, Temple Town Hall

Approval of Draft Minutes
April 18, 2023 Meeting
May 2, 2023 Meeting & Forum

Invitation for Public Comment

New Business
1. Informal consultation on Lot Line Adjustment, Map 5B, Lots 48-3 & 48-4, Fish Road

Old Business
1. InvestNH HOP Grant
a. Expenses
b. Steering Committee Applications
c. Next Public Forum – Topic Discussion
i. Needs Analysis & Planning (Master Plan)
ii. Regulatory Audit
2. NFIP – Preliminary FEMA Flood Maps
a. Ordinance Development Planning
3. Driveway Regulations (Murray)
4. Tax Map Updates (Keith)
5. Master Plan Natural Resources Inventory Update

Other Business
1. NH OPD Spring Conference – April 29th

 See attached summary agenda*
 Of particular interest: NH Housing Toolbox

2. NH Zoning Atlas – Available Now

3. Upcoming Webinars & Conferences
a. Planning Lunches At Noon Webinar - hosted by NH OPD
Making Zoning Work for Housing in your Community May 18th from 12-1:30PM
b. SWRPC Annual Meeting June 13th In Person at Keene Public Library
“Planning for our Energy Future” with Don Kreis, NH Consumer Advocate

Next Planning Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 6th at 7:00pm, Temple Town Hall

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