LIVE VA Disability Q&A Atty Matthew Hill [03/01/2023]

1 year ago

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Atty Matthew Hill

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - “what you claimed. Failed to verify spouse—New” Can you explain that to me?
00:26 - Why doesn’t the VA give an estimated date?
02:17 - I was denied for A&A, on my award letter letter the VA claim I am getting paid for A&A
03:58 - Secondary conditions videos
04:48 - Is it normal for the VA to ask for medical release of your records 5 mos after filing a claim?
05:04 - Average wait time for a Supplemental claim?
05:30 - Pact Act
06:48 - What is the process the VA takes when you have an appeal granted?
09:57 - Are they trying to negate what my PCM opened?
10:52 - SMC K or L applied, does that open him up for examination that could reduce him?
11:40 - Your firm said you can’t help with a CUE claim from 1971
12:37 - 3 claims in Supplementary review
13:16 - Is Uber of Lyft protected work environment for TDIU?
13:57 - Plantar Fasciitis
14:54 - Is the VA working on MST back pay?
15:25 - Pact Act claims
15:44 - What am I missing if my ratings are 10% painful motion and 10% knee laxity?
16:10 - Denied in 92 for an Allergy/Asthma claim
17:30 - Will I need to do another DBQ for my PTSD?
18:12 - Is evidence not listed in a VA decision considered new evidence if you later submit it?
19:34 - Is a Nexus/DBQ required for each compensatable disability?
19:50 - How does your firm see claiming Sleep Apnea secondary to TBI?
20:19 - Will “preparation for decision” info be put into your C-file?
20:34 - Can I still be able to add my 20 year old son as dependent?
20:53 - Would you consider an IME and Nexus Letter essential to the original claim?
21:30 - Appeal is remanded from the CAVC back to the BVA
21:45 - Is it too late to add my TDIU application?
22:03 - Claim for Skin rashes under Gulf War but never got a C&P Exam
22:29 - Can I still file and get back pay?
23:10 - VA bundling ratings
24:49 - Have you seen Radiculopathy caused from Hamstring Tendinitis?
25:11 - Can I hire an attorney to handle the supplemental and new claim?
25:50 - Can I claim Plantar Fasciitis too or is that pyramiding?
26:32 - If I go for TDIU, would I have to go all over for all my current Disability for a C&P Exam?
27:30 - I am in the Army Reserves, what does the 70% mean for retirement?
27:59 - How long does an advance on docket take for the BVA once submitted?
28:39 - Do I reapply or appeal for PTSD?
29:00 - Awarded 0% for Rhino Sinusitis yesterday, what can I secondary to this?
29:25 - Can I claim the Achilles secondary to Plantar Fasciitis?
29:46 - Presumptive Fibromyalgia
32:12 - 100% non-permanent rating
32:58 - Flatfeet
33:17 - Have you seen loss of use due to Bilateral Carpal Tunnel?
34:03 - Are neck injuries usually granted to a TBI?
34:27 - TDIU claim is denied, can you request a HLR?
35:01 - Home Sleep Apnea Test
35:40 - Do I qualify for benefits under burn pits?
36:19 - Does 38 CFR 3.300 (a) apply to all Veterans?
37:34 - Zero documents supporting injuries
38:07 - Can you please explain the Bilateral effect?
39:50 - Is GERD a good secondary to my PTSD?
40:09 - Is there anything that can be done to get my Nov 2021 FDC moving?
41:22 - Meet the criteria for 60% for my FVC under the same reg
42:13 - When does the 5yr mark start?
42:25 - Requested a copy of my C-file and they didn’t send me everything
42:50 - Would the effective date be date of intent to file or date of shoulder SC in 2015?
43:27 - Is it unheard of to use 2 Attorneys for different claims?
43:43 - Does the VA consider age of a veteran or time?
44:05 - Three Nexus Letters from VA doctor. No benefit of doubt. Unusual?
44:44 - Is there a connecting between Sleep Apnea and Rhinitis/Sinus issues?
45:19 - Can a Vet receive compensation for Lumbar DDD 5237 limited range of motion?
46:20 - Denied two times and last year I filed again and now I need to do a HLR
47:20 - VSO sent them with only a claim without a complete package almost nothing
47:47 - I filed TMD and won, but I have to supplement headaches and neck strain?
48:14 - Chronic Sinusitis
48:41 - How soon after submitting a claim should you be notified of a C&P Exam?
49:01 - When I die (hypertension), is my wife eligible for spouse disability pay?
49:35 - Is GERD a presumptive?
50:20 - Do I need imaging again or can I file for a claim without an MRI?
50:45 - Did you say that VA is not suppose to decrease you based on 1 C&P exam?
52:02 - Can I file a different claim for Lumbar strain?
52:29 - Am I required to see VA doctors in order to keep my VA rating?
52:35 - Can you get unemployability due to civilian injury?
53:46 - Low back claim was denied in 2001
54:07 - What do I need now to prove a Gerd claim?
55:23 - Claim for 4 Four Allergies
55:57 - Should I apply for my Tinnitus first or as cancer 1st?

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