085 Part 1: Chuck Robeson of All Skill No Luck and Raid Skateboards

1 year ago

Is Gun Culture jealous of the skateboarding community? The tactical and competition sub-genres regularly exchange both ideas and gear that find their way across the spectrum. In the same way, we see how the fashion and function of clothing flows in and out of Gun Culture as we ride the wave of time.

Does Chuck Robeson brings that military-inspired-flare to civilian attire through All Skill No Luck, standing apart from the typical lineup through a focus on both style and substance. It's just about flat colors and blending in. In addition, Raid Skateboards provides iconic art and style to an otherwise Olive Drab environment.

Follow Chuck Robeson on Social Media:
Instagram: @allskillnoluck and @raidskateboard
For clothing and gear: allskillnoluck.com
Skate Decks: raidsb.com

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