The U.S. will find out the truth about Mr. Miles Guo’s case and eliminate the American sellouts

1 year ago

5/16/2023 【Nicole on The John Fredericks Show】Nicole: I am confident that the U.S. will find out the truth about Mr. Miles Guo’s case and eliminate the American sellouts. The 1.4 billion people in China, as well as people in Europe, South America, and Africa, are all paying attention to Mr. Miles Guo's case. If US law enforcement and investigation organizations fail to tell the truth, the world will lose faith in them.
#CCPinfiltration #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/16/2023 【妮可做客The John Fredericks节目】妮可:我相信美国国会一定会查出关于郭文贵先生案子的真相并铲除卖美贼们。无论是中国的人民还是欧洲、南美、非洲人民都在关注郭先生的案件,如果美国的执法和调查机构14亿不能给出真相,将失去全世界对它的信任。
#中共渗透 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁

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