Karate | Okinawan Goju-ryu | Fukyu kata | jodan

1 year ago

Since the Fukyu kata teach the basics, grandmaster Meitoku Yagi decided to include the Fukyu kata in his Meibukan School. Although many other Okinawan schools and 'style's, mostly Shorin-ryu, practice the Fukyu kata, they differ in techniques and performance, but the embusen (pattern) often remains the same. In this video you can see the Fukyu kata performed with a basic technique of jodan age uke and jodan seiken oi tsuki in migi and hidari heiko dachi.

More information on the Fukyu kata can be found in the book 'Karate Goju Ryu Meibukan' ISBN 978-1-933901-29-9

Performers: Students of Lex Opdam
Origins of the shown form: Okinawa-te, Okinawan Goju-ryu karate: Meibukan
Lineage of the performers: (Okinawan Goju-ryu karate: Meibukan)
Video was taken in Nijmegen, Netherlands, august 1997.

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