CCP kleptocrats have funneled billions of dollars in funds to US traitors, making the CCP stronger

1 year ago

5/16/2023 【Nicole on The John Fredericks Show】CCP kleptocrats have funneled billions of dollars in funds to American sellouts, making the CCP even stronger and intensifying its persecution of Chinese people, especially Mr. Miles Guo. However, US intelligence agencies and mainstream media have covered up for the CCP. In contrast, Mr. Guo has become the biggest victim of the CCP’s weaponization of the US justice system.
#CCPinfiltration #weaponization #USjusticesystem #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/16/2023 【妮可做客The John Fredericks节目】中共盗国贼给卖美贼们输送了数亿美元的资金,后者让中共更强大并进一步加剧了中共对中国人尤其是郭文贵先生的迫害。可美国情报部门和主流媒体却都为中共打掩护,而郭先生则成为了被中共武器化的美国司法体系的最大受害者!
#中共渗透 #武器化 #美国司法体系 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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