Featured Exercise: Spider Curls

1 year ago

How to Perform the Spider Curl

1. Grip. Grab your dumbbells or bar in a supinated grip, with your palms facing away from your body. Hang your arms straight down, with a slight bend in your elbows.

Curl. Keeping your upper arms still, squeeze your biceps, bringing your lower arms up to meet your upper arms. Stop before they touch your shoulders. Focus on using your bicep to complete the motion.

3. Squeeze. Squeeze your biceps when you bring the weight to the top of the curl. Pause for a moment here to get the full benefit of the squeeze.

4. Straighten. Slowly bring your arms back down, straightening back to your start position. Pause when you reach the bottom.

5. Repeat. Shoot for 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Give yourself time to rest between sets.

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