Will America’s Fascination w/Contradiction End in Insanity & a Fiery Demise?

1 year ago

SCOTUS’ New Female Member Can’t Define “WOMAN,” So Courts Can’t Save

Will America’s Fascination w/Contradiction End in Insanity & a Fiery Demise?
SCOTUS’ New Female Member Can’t Define “WOMAN,” So Courts Can’t Save Us

Amazing fact! As our older leftist standards age, they run afoul of new commitments, eviscerating the past ideals. Goodbye to claims of absolute rules and ultimate truth. Thereby, liberals expose their entire con-game, based on incremental gain of the whole society. But demolishing one set of ideals, then setting up new ones to be disappointingly obliterated again… as the world falls deeper into confusion displayed in ever-enveloping chaos.

“All is flux!” – Hericlitus

More importantly, these ever-shifting standards reveal leftism without core beliefs or commitments to any group or subject outside of absolute power. Why? Because if you eventually trash everything a society believes in, you then install a default nihilism, or an absolute vacuum of rules & laws. Or, as Nietszche said, after all beliefs are questioned, the Will to Power is the only thing left. Meanwhile, in the gap our schools created, propaganda puppets battle for faux ideals like a mama bear defending a 3-legged bear cub from a pack of wolves.

“There is nothing to life that has value, except the degree of power—assuming that life itself is the will to power.” Frederick Nietzsche

For example, consider how our new Trans Movement now displaces traditional feminism and lesbianism, which put a premium on womanhood at the cost of traditional families. Instead, the trans movement has essentially reconfigured gender by eliminating its premise. Now, how can modern American leftists claim they defend Womanhood when they can’t even define “Woman”? Or, as one states: “Trans Totalitarianism: The Harshest Face of Gender Nihilism.”

So, what is the “truth” that supersedes the claims of liberal feminists? Ultimately, that gender doesn’t exist, but is simply a creeping phantasm, ready to morph at any moment. So, get ready to see lesbians and feminists lining up to vote for Trump whilst holding their noses!

“Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has -- it has stolen”
Frederick Nietzsche

Biden’s Democrats claim they are standing against the ruination of “Democracy” while Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to allow any House Dems to vote independently. Interestingly, the very definition of Marxist “Freedom” means absolute agreement with the group. Socialists are “free” by joining lockstep with all other leftists. See Freedom from the Dictionary of Marxism:
Freedom is the right and capacity of people to determine their own actions, in a community which is able to provide for the full development of human potentiality. Freedom may be enjoyed by individuals but only in and through the community. Only in community has each individual the means of cultivating his gifts in all directions; only in the community, therefore, is personal freedom possible. In the previous substitutes for the community, in the State, etc. personal freedom has existed only for the individuals who developed within the relationships of the ruling class, and only insofar as they were individuals of this class. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels The German Ideology , Chapter 1d
So, one sees here the illusory right to practice individual freedom only in the group! And Nancy is a traditional Marxist carrying on her Father’s socialism with all the self-righteousness of Vlad Lenin.

Consider all the various ways that leftists are continuing to roll the dice for power while completely confusing all the players. For example, natural gas has long been considered the best fuel for environmental friendliness. Low in carbon, easily accessible, insanely cheap and effortless to use. But now we’re informed America must cease using natural gas, starting with households. Why? Because, according to Thomas Sowell, create an emergency which must be fixed to save society. And yet the sound of the campaign supersedes any scientific basis for its need or the efficacy of the antidote:

“To a remarkable extent, however, empirical evidence is neither sought beforehand nor consulted after a policy has been instituted. Facts may be marshalled for a position already taken, but that is very different from systematically testing opposing theories by evidence. Momentous questions are dealt with essentially as conflicts of visions.” -- The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy.

Also, consider all our other problems. Borderless illegal invaders refusing background checks, against Fed laws, while Biden claims numbers are dropping while 7 million have entered, all new Democrats. “Global Warming” rejects fossil fuels, as liberals celebrate foreign oil from dictators while US petroleum is shuttered. Meanwhile, CA demands an instant switch to electric vehicles occurring without a grid.

Child safety is touted while abortion is demanded as preteen children see genitals removed while dosed with artificial hormones. Incompetent candidates are elected as the Media refuses to report stories harming Dems. Journalists boast of unprecedented accuracy while astounding levels of dishonesty and fraud rain down on Donald Trump as endless fake prosecutions and lawsuits continue.

“There are no facts, only interpretations.” Frederick Nietzsche

So, Americans, even with failed schools that don’t teach reading, writing, arithmetic, history or logic still can’t stop citizens from wildly reacting against Bud Light (“Butt Light”) from jamming trannies down our throats. Bud’s Anheuser-Busch company has lost much stock value. Yet in a society celebrating women, fake ladies steal sports accolades while real women are sometimes permanently injured by fraud females. Thomas Sowell describes:

“The rise of the mass media, mass politics, and massive government means that the beliefs which drive a relatively small group of articulate people have great leverage in determining the course taken by a whole society.” The Vision of the Anointed

And so, let’s examine the Piece de Resistance of woke marketing, the case of Anheuser-Busch’s “Bud Lite.” Espoused by weird trans-advocate Dylan Mulvaney, and his scraped nose, Butt Light decided a totem completely opposed to its image was the right move. Dylan surgically altered, but sans breasts, yet retains his male organ. Bud Lite fans are so universally repulsed across USA that the brand has been abandoned at major sporting events, while dropping 8% of its market value. Meanwhile, the company shed about $5 billion of worth as a result.

NY Post writes: “Bud Light sales continue to plunge with 24% drop in latest week since Dylan Mulvaney disaster” And see Daily Mail:

Bud Light sales falling by much as 20% A WEEK could be the 'new normal' after Dylan Mulvaney debacle 'unless something drastic changes', industry analyst warns - as cases lie untouched and unsold in Florida CVS.

Now, ponder the possibility the massive protest against Bud Lite is simply the result of years of repressed revolt where folks have been intimidated by fear of revenge of the Woke. But now was felt, but some animal instinct, the perfect time to finally revolt against the rejection of nature and fake gender battles. And Anheuser therefore had to pay $5 billion for their ill-timed sins. And America is caught in a battle over the most inane issues because we’ve abandoned God and now live in social media misery.
“War is the father & and king of all; some are marked out as gods and others as men -- some made slaves, while others free.” -- Heraclitus

In fact, the most in tune with the World Spirit, of our days, or Zeitgeist -- may be stupendously talented Friedreich Nietzsche who threw off his late Father’s Christian religion, then died insane after having announced he was a superman after dispatching God. He believed that a superman will come to create new values after God’s death. He wrote:

Nietzsche wrote, “The stronger becomes master of the weaker, in so far as the latter cannot assert its degree of independence -- here there is no mercy, no forbearance, even less a respect for "laws."” & “The possibility has been established for the production of...a master race, the future "masters of the earth"...made to endure for millennia — a higher kind of men who...employ democratic Europe as their most pliant and supple instrument for getting hold of the destinies of the earth.”

So, the West, in a harebrained flight-for-freedom, abandoned the very idea of Truth to fit together all our incongruent ideas. With Postmodernism’s acidic tenure, we battle for meaning in a world with no reliable truths. Consider, “Revisiting the Will to Power: Active Nihilism and the Project of Trans-human Philosophy.” And Nietzsche’s thoughts on nihilism:
“What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism… For some time now our whole European culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade: restlessly, violently, headlong, like a river that wants to reach the end -- (Will to Power)
Therefore, all we can salvage is a war against Nihilism, for without Truth there can be no laws or rules. And so, we battle to save our sanity. Our society and our lives against the mob and rabble. But are we doomed, nonetheless? So is American destined, like Nietszche himself, to abandon God on our inevitable way to a fiery end, either by an Apocalypse or something worse? The future remains opaque.

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