The Easiest Way To Boost Your Immune System

1 year ago

Numerous studies link carotenoids-yellow, orange, red and green pigments in fruits and vegetables - to reduced risks of aggressive and threatening challenges to the body, an enhanced immune system and tissue protection. Fruit and vegetables are the best sources of carotenoids, but most people do not eat the 5-13 daily servings recommended for optimal well-being. NeoLife's Carotenoid Complex is a whole-food supplement whose benefits have been demonstrated in human studies conducted by the USDA and university researchers. Each capsule provides the complete carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables.

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Why Carotenoid Phytonutrients?

Research links diets abundant in carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables with reduced risk of many aggressive threats to the wall being of the body.

Carotenoids boost the immune system, helping the body to defend itself against a variety of aggressive threats. Carotenoids promote optimum well-boing in ways distinct

from the actions of other dietary factors.

Why NeoLife Carotenoid Complex?

Broad-spectrum, lipid-soluble nutrient supplementation. More than just beta-carotene, Carotenoid Complex provides a variety of carotenoid "family members" as they naturally occur in the human food chain in fruits and vegetables. Research continues to show that individual carotenoids play different and specific roles as part of the body's complex defence system against threats to well-being.

Whole-food ingredients. Our exclusive blend of carotenoid rich extracts and concentrates is derived from whole tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots and peaches

15 powerful carotenoid family members. Our unique formula has been tested and shown to deliver alpha-, beta-, cis-beta, gamma- and zeta-carotene, lycopene, cis-lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and beta- cryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin and cryptocapsin.

Exclusive NutriMax Process. Advanced technology yields a 98% extraction efficiency. Also includes low temperature processing and oxygen-free encapsulation to quarantee high potency of lipid-soluble carotenoid nutrients.

Base of pure olive oil. Part of the human food chain, olive oil promotes ingredient stability and helps optimise carotenoid absorption.

Contains pure Lecithin from soya beans. Lecithin

helps maximise stability of carotenoid nutrients and aids

their dispersion during digestion.

Contains no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives

or sweeteners.

= Convenient serving. Each capsule provides the complete carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables - just one more way to help you meet the recommended dietary intake of 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

More than a hundred kilograms of Carotenoid Power in Every 90 Capsule Bottle!

When it comes to delivering pure carotenoid power, Carotenoid Complex puts more than a hundred kilograms in the palm of your hand. To deliver the total carotenoid power in a single 90 capsule bottle of the Carotenoid Complex, you'd have to eat:

115 kilograms or more of the raw fruit and vegetables it's made from: Research shows that your body absorbs only 5-10% of the carotenoids in raw fruit and vegetables.

23 kilograms or more of the steamed fruit and vegetables Carotenoid Complex is made from. Research shows food preparation affects carotenoid bioavailability. Steamed fruit and vegetables increase bioavailability 30-50%.

8 kilograms or more of steamed and puréed fruit and vegetables (baby food). Steamed and puréed fruit and vegetables have the best bioavailability-up to 70%, which is the method of raw material preparation utilised in Carotenoid Complex

Carotenoid Complex is USDA Tested

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists conducted clinical research studies on Carotenoid Complex, NeoLife's exclusive broad-spectrum carotenoid supplement from whole foods, and published their findings in poor-reviewed scientific joumals. The USDA studios showed that Carotenoid Complex:

Dramatically enhanced the immune response of white blood colls - "natural killer" calls and lymphocytes - greater than responses obtained at baseline and with beta-carotene supplementation alone.

Reduced blood lipid oxidation.

Prevented the oxidation of cellular lipids, whereas supplementation with beta-carotene alone did not.

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