LANDRACE VS HEIRLOOM - What & Why? - (I found my dabs) G13 Skunk Live Resin

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Landrace cannabis and heirloom cannabis are pretty well the same thing, they mean that the genetics are pure and of natural upbringing. They aren't hybridized or crossed.
However landrace grows wild in the areas to which that plant is endemic while the heirloom is brought to one's grow room. Heirlooms is the heir of your genetics. Landrace, is what in the mid 2000s Growers has a race to find around the globe, landrace, Land Race.
The 2 places we see landrace genetics largely are Afghanistan, the himmalayan mountains, and asitaix Tropics then South america,, middle America and Mexico. Indicas are endemic to Afghanistan, sativas moreso endemic to asiatic Tropics. While the himmalayas literally produce natural hybrids of the eastern hemisphere.
In Mexico and South America its much more probable to see sativas in Mexico, while the heat and climate of afghnaistan produces namely or rather only indica. A sativa tall lanky and light reel with fluffy buds would.last in the desert steepe sun. Mexico provides more.mountainous region, allowing sativas like that of the oaxacan highland.
There are other areas of the earth where cannabis exsists, but these are the main 2 areas. There's also a good few landrace in south Africa. Malawi, Durban Poison, amd others. DURBAN POISON WAS HARVESTED BY TRIBAL COMMUNITIES SINCE THE 14TH CENTURY.
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