Time Travel & Alien Encounters - Astral Projection Adventures with Rick from Astral Club

1 year ago

Our guest for episode #8 is Rick Pyle who has documented many thousands of his out of body experiences which began when he was an infant. This episode includes many stories from Rick's adventures in the Astral Plane, including alien encounters, visiting the future and receiving angelic guidance.

👉 Astral Club - Rick's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@astralclub5964

📖 Our favorite NDE and STE related books:
- Dying to Be Me (Anita Moorjani): https://amzn.to/3m5XmNe
- Vistas of Infinity (Jurgen Ziewe): https://amzn.to/3ZJCd9B
- Voyages into the Unknown (Bruce Moen): https://amzn.to/3ZJCd9B
- Communion (Whitley Streiber): https://amzn.to/3W3gtFr
- Them (Whitley Streiber): https://amzn.to/3pHLK4u

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🎶 Check Out Our Podcast:
Apple 👉 https://apple.co/40KHfE2
Spotify 👉 https://spoti.fi/3LbBnPc

00:00 Intro
01:11 Rick's first out-of-body experience as an infant
03:10 First read of 'Journey's out of the Body' by Robert Monroe
6:46 Schoolboy astral projection adventures
8:42 Astral projection to the future 15000 AD and other time travels
17:42 Astral projection tip 1: getting as far away from your physical body as possible
19:34 How NDE's and OBE's are similar
26:08 Rick's encounters with Alien's and abduction experiences
32:49 Rick's encounters with A.I. entities
37:47 How Rick acquired an angel guide
43:56 Rick's mission to help better humanity
48:42 Rick's parting message about the future for humankind

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#obe #outoofbodyexperience #astralprojection

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