Bridging Broken To Breakthrough // S3E10 // Wound Collars // Hope Will Arise

1 year ago

How do we deal with pesky wounds that refuse to heal? Wound collars!
Sometimes we don’t see miracles in our lives because at the root of it all, it’s a trust issue.

We don’t really believe God.

We don’t take Him at His word.

We justify how that doesn’t apply to us.

Yes God said it, but that was for over two thousand years ago, not for now and definitely not for me. We really don’t trust that He, the God of the universe, really cares enough about me and this situation to intervene.

Sometimes it is a forgiveness issue.

We are more concerned with our justification and vindication, that we refuse to stop licking our wounds hindering the healing process and causing more damage. If you have been around animals you know that when you take them in for surgery the vet places an E-collar around their neck to stop them from licking the wound.

Place the truth of the word of God like a collar around your neck to stop you from licking the wounds. Forgive. You are only hurting yourself. Holding on to your right to feel hurt at even a legitimate hurt, only stops the healing. The animal had a real wound and has a right to feel pain and want to lick the wound, however the vet knows that is not going to help.

Allow Jesus to be your vet.

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