BFGC - May 14, 2023 Salty Language

1 year ago

Believers are told by Yeshua that when they are born again they become Salt in the world around them. They are not filled with salt, or even given the gift of Salt, but they are transformed into people who display the attributes of Salt. The Bible shows us a detailed picture of what the properties of Salt look like in a fallen world, and we must be able to recognize those attributes in our testimony every day. God commands Salt to be offered with all His sacrifices and born again believers are commanded to present ourselves as living sacrifices unto Yehovah. Having the Holy Spirit busy sanctifying our lives to make us acceptable to God, is a representation of the Salt and the cleanup already happening in our lives. Salt brings flavor to a bland world without living water, preservation and peace making in decaying lives, disinfectant for a diseased population that is infected with sin, and even a calmness for the strife and fighting, when the Holy Spirit is working as Salt in the lives of God's obedient.

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Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father

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