Waiting for Birthgap at Cambridge University: 12th May 2023 - Part 3

1 year ago

Birthgap founder and president, Stephen Shaw, was invited to show his documentary of the same name at the Divinity School of Cambridge University by Charlie Bentley-Astor.
A small number of students managed to get the showing cancelled. Despite never having seen the documentary for themselves, they decided to protest until it was shut down by the University, thereby awarding themselves the right to decide what others can and cannot see.
Fortunately, a university lecturer who shall remain un-named for their own protection, stepped in with an offer to use their office as the Cambridge version of the Room of Requirement. Roughly 20 ticket holders out of 160 were able to squeeze into this room to listen to Stephen J. Shaw discuss how he came to make the documentary, and what the implications of his findings are.
This part also includes some Q and A. Unfortunately, I had to leave before the end, so the last few questions are missing.

Birthgap - Childless World PART 1 (English Version)

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