Mysterious Ancient Underground Cities, Chambers, Tunnels, and Artefact. Ancient History Resurfaced

1 year ago

Mysterious Ancient Underground Cities, Chambers, Tunnels, and Artefact. Ancient History Resurfaced
519,157 views Premiered Feb 15, 2023
A Dive deep into the mysteries of the Ancient Underground Cities, Chambers, Tunnels, and artefacts found all over the world, in this 3-hour special compilation of archaeological findings in recent years - from the lost city of Shin-Au-Av ( Serpent Gods of Death Valley) to Vlasovska Labyrinth in Russia.
Explore: • Mysterious oldest-known church in Russia • The Strange Underground Complex Of The Kukulkan Temple • 2000-Year-Old Hidden Underground Chamber found in Rome • The Mysterious Tunnels of Buenos Aires • World’s Largest Underground City in Turkey • Walled Up Caverns in the Grand Canyon • Ancient Artifacts Underneath The Swiss Glaciers • The Secret Templar Tunnels of Poland • The Lemurian Connection at Mount Shasta • Mysteries of the Vlasovka Labyrinth • Magnificent Palace Unearthed in Jerusalem • The Mysterious Ground Dwellers
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