Heaven Land Devotions - Stormy Wind Fulfilling His Word

1 year ago

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Five days ago in the middle of the night I felt a radical raging storm kick up within me out of nowhere. It startled me because of the intense nature of it. After hours of tossing and turning I got out of bed and ran to the Lord in prayer.

After all my checklists I brought before him to see what the origin of that raging storm was coming from. There was no witness of it being of the enemy or anything else I asked Him about. It was so crystal clear it was from the Lord.

The storm raged on for days and only intensified. The worst thoughts were exploding in my mind like dive bombers. The more I tried to fight it off, the harder they came. I hated every bit of it. I found no relief and it raged on.

Finally, I realized what the Lord was doing in me and the necessity of it. I saw that God was having mercy on me by sending his "fire, hail, snow, vapors, stormy winds fulfilling His word" in me.

This morning there was a calm and I thanked Him for His messengers of mercy and judgment sent to me. I bowed my knees to the Father of heaven and earth like water poured out upon the ground.

If there is a stormy wind within you, do not try to fight it off, or fight the thing in detail. Let Jesus who sent that storm fulfill His word in you. Let Him deliver the final blow to enemy altars.

"He will bring you through fire and through the waters, and bring you out unto a wealthy place."

“But God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; and again and again we have proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm. Once more by His interposition deliverance came. We were cast down, but not destroyed.” ~Amy Carmichael

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