
1 year ago

*Fintoch Introduction*
_Fintoch Peer-to-Peer Blockchain in Finance_*
Fintoch is a P2P blockchain financial platform that focuses on innovating blockchain financial market.

Fintoch provides diversified financial services, with its main business being borrowing, investment and financing. The exclusive blockchain security technology "HyBriid" allows users to enjoy true zero-risk blockchain investment.

*Fintoch's unique HyBriid technology*
HyBriid is Fintoch's security assurance that incorporates multiple signatures, zero-knowledge proofs, smart contracts, and many other technologies.

Fintoch uses HyBriid to achieve true decentralized supervision, with automatic stop-losses when clearing conditions are met. This ensures that there is no risk of loss of investors' funds. HyBriid advances the development of capital security technology and takes blockchain transactions to the next level of security.

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