Wayshowers of the Sacred Goddess

1 year ago

Wayshowers of the Sacred Goddess, these are the days of the enlightenment. Being born in this time of chaos was your choice to hold and shine the light. To follow and teach those who are lost to seek. Sing together with all the angels and come together. The ones born now as children are in the form of the enlightened saviors. Grow in strength with your mission to see the enlightenment.. We are all the Family of Light and there is much joy in our every breath and sparkle of happiness. We are so very grateful for your love and your desire to grow into ascended beings and the angels who heal the sick find the lost and raise the dead. This is your mission and promise.

14-37A: Keepers of Life

Your purpose is growing in the vibrations that your cosmic quantum, spiritual mind is connecting to and expressing through your higher compassionate soulful heart to engage Humanity to action, abundance and manifestation. Now it is coming here where you are in Trust and the wholeness of spirit, where your logical mind and your intuitive mind syncopate the rhythmic movement into wholeness and evolution.

Here and now we are come again to the world and are heaven sent. The Keepers of Light are bound to the truth which has come to the present and into the future age. The plan has asked for us to be watchful of the Light and as it brightens we are aware of the expectations, desires and futures which are brought into manifestation.

The Andromedan Enlightenment has come upon the heels of the Arcturian Alignement to presage the fullness of the Sirian Doorway of Light. Of this frequency we hold the Central Sun of Alcyon so it may shine to the Gallactic Gateway. Through the Mother of Life to the Family of Light, the Keepers of Light pronounce the messages that hold the frequency of transformation. They come in the last hour to focus and receive the cosmic energy which breathes fire into creation. It is through the Keepers that power comes. The Keepers of Life bring the will of destiny. They are the Light Givers who shine forth the single white light of the destiny of the world. The Single Ray of Light calls forth the codes to open the living library of abundant planetary resources and fulfill the body of humanity. There is no fight that must be commanded as the dark ones are lost and running away from the Light. The Light is awakening from every direction, for it is the energy and cosmic power shining down through the Crown.

When you arrive in the light of cosmic consciousness of the grand portal called the Galactic Gateway you are ready to receive the power that is held by the Keepers of Life. It is wise to ask the questions of the purpose which is held in your heart. You are called to see the truth and know it for your own. This is the message you have always held but without the power to manifest you have been walking through the wilderness. In this timeline there are great portals which connect to Dimensions held by the Keepers. Through the intonation of the pure frequencies and grounding the higher intelligence of the group souls within the Family of Light we have come to unlock these passageways and portals. The joy of life renewed comes to the Family of Light through the desire of the Wayshowers and now the strength of the Keepers of Life. The Teachers of Light walk the path ahead and speak for all.

It is your time to come into wisdom and freedom. There are the Dark Ones who still hold the reign of terror and hold back acceptance of love to promote fear and conflict. They are misaligned in false power of dominance. The great power of Earth calls the Family of Light in this hour so that all is cleared, healed and loved into to true purpose and expansive compassionate awareness. The Dark Ones are those who wish to destroy, deceive and dominate the Family of Light that brings freedom and awakening of the Galactic Heart and the soul of Earth. They have served their purpose and their time is ending. Let them go and leave them to their occupations.

Through collective wonders prosperity is given without limit. With the benefit of infinite energy and immortality the Family of Light stands, without fear, above in the higher Dimensions. The unity of the heart of the Family of Light is steady and shining forth as a beacon for the Wayshowers. You have arrived with the power of the multitudes which completes the wonder of enlightenment of the collective soul of humanity. The gateways are opening so that you may begin to hear, understand and communicate to your associates the elements and essence of their contracts. As this occurs you are endowed with resources, energies and funds that will bring about the transition. The collectivization of you society is not through physical connection but harmonic entrainment and emotional forms.

The frequencies being produced are in clear consistent tones to stabilize frequencies. This is why the Keepers of Light have arrived and are pulling, invoking, calling, desiring, wanting and thinking about the establishment of creation which enhances experience of the Family of Light. You are part and share the soul essence of the Family of Light. You are that part of our being we feel. Your soul shines forth the quintessential creation which allows to sing forth your dream. This is a time of chaos and confusion. There is a great mixing of the elements within everything that you experience. This is a time of great change and you are the catalyst which demand the change occur. You are the spirit, fire, heat, light, thought, waving, moving, flowing, condensing,rotating, gravitating and spinning particles in the great flashes of lightning with rolling powerful thunder. You are the outcast, revolutionaries, catalysts, dreamers, bodhisattvas, healers, financiers Truthwalkers and Wayshowers who are now coming into alliance and acceptance of full power.

It is through the alliance of the Family of Light that the adventure begins as each spiritual essence of the soul family was required to ensure all the elements of the plan were found and brought into the mix. In chaos and confusion the mixing is beginning. You are raising your vibrations in one continuous supported group. The dream of the Family of Light of planetary Ascension is visualized, realized and actualized. Over and over the same thoughts have been given, heard, held and spoken to bring about the increase in vibration as you hold the frequency and keep your pure tone.

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