2023-05-16 - KFBC Daily Devotional

1 year ago

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This is a reading from John F. MacArthur, Jr.'s "Drawing Near - Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith" as presented by Pastor Brian J Munro.

Suggestions for Prayer: Do you have unsaved friends? If so, be faithful in praying for their salvation and asking the Lord to use you as an instrument of His grace. If not, ask the Lord to bring unsaved people into your life so you can tell them about Christ.

For Further Study: The Samaritan woman Jesus met at Jacob’s well spoke of Him not only to her friends but also to the entire city. Read John 4:1–42. ✧ What analogy did Jesus use in presenting the gospel to her? ✧ How did Jesus describe true worshipers? ✧ What was the reaction of the city people to the woman’s testimony?

John F. MacArthur Jr., Drawing Near—Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1993), 149.

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