Dr. Kary Mullis Warned Us of the Untruthful Scientific Industrial Establishment Before His Death

1 year ago

The scientific industrial establishment was born during and certainly after WW11 out of a desire for scientist to obtain money, not truth, and world governments desire for military power says late truth teller Dr. Kary Mullis.

With people being unwittingly sacrificed for money at the alter of world power our scientist have become our greatest and most dangerous enemies. Their lies are often cloaked in jargon to keep everyone assuming everything is in the best interest of the people when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Dr. Mullis goes on to give an example of this by breaking down how the lie of climate change continues to be spread, profiting greatly those who spread it, covering up the truths that expose it a failed theory.

Dr. Mullis gets really jumpy at the end seemingly acutely aware of the danger he has put his own life in by exposing a golden goose such as climate change as the hoax that it is.

Dr. Mullis is the inventor of the PCR test, did not hold back from telling the truth like many scientist today, exposed Dr. Fauci as a liar and the truth about how his PCR test can be used to lie through amplification of the presence of a pathogen to claim it has significance to be able to label them as cases of infection.

Did Dr. Mullis know how his invention was going to be used by Fauci and the scientific industrial establishment for military power and made it his mission to expose it? Is that why he strangely and suddenly died in 2019? It’s starting to seem so.


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