Expat Phyles Week in Review 5.12.23

1 year ago

We are sprinting toward war...

Whatever you think of Tucker Carlson, his dismissal from mainstream media marks the culmination of the trend that began with the advent of the internet - namely, the total takeover of media as an arm of government propaganda.

Time was when you could at least count on a big corporation like Fox to be greedy. So why would they kill the golden goose that was Tucker's ratings? Because control is now more important than profit. Why? I suspect we're about to see real trouble. And when war comes, the government needs a way to force everyone onto the same page. Anyone denying the official message will be hunted down and silenced. Everything is heading toward a war footing. Including money...

New capital controls were introduced in Europe. See the link below.

I talk about Victoria Nuland and her role in the Ukraine debacle - another totally unimportant military misadventure destroying millions of lives. How many people in the US even understand what happened in 2014? That was the year the US ousted the pro-Russian government in favor of a pivot toward the West. The sad thing is... none of this is necessary. It is simply typical behavior of a dying empire.

Moving on... Germany has an excess mortality of 37.3%. Wow. Most of the rest of Europe isn't much better. People under 50 who took the vaccine have a 40% higher likelihood of dying. Holy sh*t. How long can that kind of thing be kept quiet? A couple of Wall Street guys testified before a Senate committee and extrapolated the likely excess death rate in the US based on the 250,000 excess deaths in the UK. See the link below.

I leave you with the culminating statement of this week's wrap up:

When Edward Dowd, a former BlackRock analyst and author of the book, Cause Unknown was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, he said, "War is coming." When Tucker asked who would be fighting it, Dowd answered, "It doesn't matter. All wars are banker's wars." (Roughly paraphrased.)

Now is the time to get your house in order and to get ready for the wildest times in history. With all the technology and weaponry, there is no doubt that if the genie of war gets out of the bottle, it's going to be a nitch to put it back.

Expat Phyles was created to help you and your family move your life outside the reach of your home government. Your best chance to thrive and survive will come from getting offshore and providing yourself with the fullest measure of protection from your home government. If you want my help with second residencies, passports, real estate in a growing part of the world, banking accounts, off shore trusts, and precious metals stored in a safer jurisdiction and out of the reach of desperate government goons, head over to https://www.sovereignexpatphyles.com/

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