Asian Style Fried Tofu – Nasi Tahu Bumbu

1 year ago

Asian Style Fried Tofu Tutorial Video

300g tofu block, cut into cubes & fried
6 sliced shallots
2 cloves fried garlic
3 fried whole chillies
1 tbs roasted peanuts
1 tbs palm sugar
quarter tsp salt
3 tbs tamarind water
4 tbs sweet soy sauce
1 tbs water
2 tbs roasted peanuts
1 sliced spring onion
2 handfuls diced cabbage & carrot

Preparation Time: 35 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes

1. Hand grind the dressing ingredients, excluding the liquids & shallots.
2. Once well ground, add the tamarind & continue to mix.
3. Then add the sweet soy sauce (& water if required) & mix in well.
4. Then add the shallots.
5. Generously drizzle the dressing over the tofu.
6. Finally, add generous amounts of diced cabbage, carrot, spring onion & roasted peanuts.

Eat straight away.

Serving Suggestions:
Serves two people. Best served on a bed of steamed rice or with lontong.

Background music by Lesfm from

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Bahasa Indonesia...

300g tahu blok, potong kotak & goreng
6 Bawang merah di iris tipis.
2 siung bawang putih goreng
3 buah cabai rawit utuh
1 sdm kacang goreng
1 sdm gula aren / gula kelapa.
seperempat sdt garam
3 sdm air asam jawa
4 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm air
2 sdm kacang goreng
1 irisan daun bawang
2 genggam kol & wortel potong dadu

Waktu Persiapan: 35 menit
Waktu Memasak: 10 menit
Total Waktu: 45 menit

1. Giling atau di uleg bahan saus dengan tangan, tidak termasuk cairan & bawang merah.
2. Setelah rata masukkan asam jawa & aduk terus.
3. Lalu tambahkan kecap manis (& air bila perlu) & aduk rata.
4. Kemudian tambahkan bawang merah.
5. Taburkan saus di atas tahu goreng.
6. Terakhir, tambahkan kol, wortel, daun bawang & kacang panggang dalam jumlah banyak atau sesuai selera.

Makan langsung.

Saran Penyajian:
Porsi untuk dua orang. Paling baik disajikan degan nasi hangat atau lontong.

Enjoy !!!

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