The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 24 of 26

1 year ago

Part 24. The interviewer wanted to know what happened with the cavities underneath the
World Trade Center. Khalezov answers that at first the cavities were filled with some hot
liquid material which resulted from molten materials and from cooling down of gaseous
materials produced by the nuclear explosions. These extremely hot materials would retain
some temperature for about a year, but eventually they would cool down and set as solid
matter. This explains molten steel found at ground zero even a few months later. The 150
kiloton explosion would release a lot of energy, according to Khalezov, and as a result it
would be like a huge pot, hundreds of meters deep and filled with some hot materials,
which understandably would take time to cool down. A famous video clip from “Ground
Zero” is inserted here where two female ground zero responders explain to a reporter that
heat at ground zero was so intense that it melted the boots of male responders in only a
few hours. The interviewer asks if now, since 8 years has passed, the cavities have been
filled with something? Khalezov answers that definitely, the cavities were filled with
concrete perhaps mixed with certain chemicals to absorb the radioactivity, though exact
details he does not know. However, he says that the cavity must have been filled anyway,
because it would be dangerous to keep them intact in the middle of Manhattan. Firstly,
they had to fill the cavities in order to prevent the radioactivity from reaching the earth’s
surface and injuring people. Secondly, they can’t afford to leave these cavities because
they might cause the collapse of some surrounding structures. That is why they had to be
fixed anyway. The interviewer asks - if someone disbelieves Khalezov’s explanation in
regard to the WTC collapse and decides to drill a borehole through the cavities filling up
the external walls of the cavities - what would one find in this case? Khalezov answers
that they would find the former liquid and gaseous materials now set as solid matter and
this material would likely resemble a kind of volcanic glass. This will be the proof that
underground nuclear explosions indeed occurred there. Some materials would retain their
radioactivity. Once you get to this kind of material you could test it for radioactivity. The
discussion moves on to health effects at ground zero. Khalezov refers to an article “Death
by Dust” found on the Internet (a live screenshot of it also shown in the video) in which
one ground zero responder describes that while he was working there he saw that some
FBI agents visited ground zero being dressed in full hazmat suits, complete with head-
masks, moreover, additionally sealed shut with some duct tape, while the rest of the
people there were totally unprotected. Khalezov says that actually this was the very thing
that eventually triggered him into writing this book - he says that those FBI agents
apparently knew what he knew but they did not want to reveal the truth to the public. So,
he decided to reveal the truth, instead. The article describes that the ground zero
responder, NYPD John Walcott got sick with leukemia after working on ground zero and
he was required to have a bone marrow transplantation because his own blood was no
longer regenerating. Otherwise he would not be able to survive. Khalezov explains that it
was an apparent result of radiation poisoning because people who worked on ground zero
unprotected freely inhaled radioactive vapors that eventually caused chronic radiation
sickness. The interviewer asks why would not doctors notice something wrong when an
unusually big number of people who worked on and lived around ground zero would seek
medical help - all with strange, but similar symptoms? Khalezov answers that it is not
necessary that doctors would understand that it had something to do with radiation. It is
because in this case the radiation sickness will be chronic rather than acute. It will be
apparent not immediately, but in a year or two and it could reveal itself differently -
someone might have cancer, someone might have another kind of cancer, some will have
blood diseases, just generally bad feeling, and whenever they go to the doctors, the
doctors could diagnose them anything, unrelated to radiation. Besides, Khalezov says,
that we should presume that some doctors especially appointed to treat the ground zero
responders might be a part of the cover-up. They might sign some non-disclosure
contracts which will prohibit them from diagnosing their patients with radiation sickness
and just to create some other stories, instead, which is quite easy for doctors to do.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 25:

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