The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 23 of 26

1 year ago

Part 23. The discussion moves on to the alleged hijackers. The interviewer stresses that
in order to hijack planes one must have some hijackers. It is discussed (apparently based
on some information revealed in Khalezov’s book) that in each of the 4 hijacking crews
named by the FBI at least one or even 2 hijackers were later found alive, while some
other ones have alibis, thanks to FBI blunders (which in effect nullify the entire claim
that there were any hijackers whatsoever). Two pages from the 9/11 Commission Report
are shown with photographs of all alleged hijackers as claimed by the 9/11 Commission.
Out of the 19 alleged hijackers 8 are confirmed as being alive, with another 6 having
alibis of various kinds (which is all marked on the two pages with red and blue
correspondingly). The number of still unmarked hijackers remains as low as only 5.
Khalezov says that if these hijackers were named as such by the 9/11 Commission Report
and then later they were found alive this fact by default dismisses the entire Report of the
9/11 Commission as a lie. The interviewer agrees with that. The discussion moves on to
talk about several individual hijackers. Some remarkable ones are Ziad Jarrah, a
Christian, not even a Muslim (this one was actually a known Mossad agent operating in
Lebanon) and Satam al Sukami, whose passport was allegedly found at ground zero on
September 12, 2001, being remarkably undamaged amidst the pulverized and burned out
remains of the World Trade Center. Khalezov comments that since Sukami’s passport
was undoubtedly planted there by the authorities, this fact automatically exonerates its
owner from any complicity and provides him the clearest alibi. The interviewer agrees
with that. The interviewer asks if Khalezov’s opinion is that there were no flights
involved, and that all the alleged hijackers were innocent. Khalezov answers that perhaps
not all of the hijackers were totally innocent, it appears that Mohammed Atta, who was
an agent of the Pakistani ISI, was not innocent - he probably agreed voluntarily to
participate in that show. The interviewer clarifies that this is indeed Mohammed Atta,
who received prior to the 9/11 attacks one hundred thousand US dollars transferred to his
account by a senior official within the ISI. Khalezov confirms that and comments that if
the American FBI believes that the Pakistani ISI indeed supported the 9/11 hijackers,
then the FBI should accuse the Pakistani secret services of supporting the hijackers and
proceed against them very seriously. But it apparently did not happen. Which means this
is proof of their collaboration. Moreover, the Americans did not even question that
General - Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed, the chief of the Pakistani ISI - as to why he
actually sent the money to one of the hijackers and why should the 9/11 hijackers receive
funds from the Pakistani secret services. However, the US officials did not question him
despite the fact that on 9/11 this General was in the US having breakfast with one of the
US Senators; so, in fact, he was quite handy to be questioned if the Americans really
wanted to. The interviewer suggests that if the US Government did something really
awful then it had no choice than to come up with some planted evidence to cover up the
truth. Khalezov agrees with that and says that naming the alleged hijackers was purely an
act of covering up the 9/11 truth. Because after the nuclear demolition of the World Trade
Center the American Government was put in such a desperate situation that it could
produce any kind of lie just to distract the public attention from the real nuclear
explosions in Manhattan, and the entire Report of the 9/11 Commission is merely a part
of such distraction. The interviewer asks if what the US Government was doing was
merely a reaction to something else done by other people and the US Government was
innocent in regard to the 9/11 perpetration. Khalezov says that it was so and he personally
does not believe the US Government was the 9/11 culprit; he believes the US
Government was rather a 9/11 “victim”, put into an extremely desperate situation, so that
it had no choice than to be involved in that kind of ridiculous cover-up (he nods towards
the 9/11 Commission Report laying at the table). The interviewer asks what Khalezov
could say in regard to the US Government’s position after 9/11, particularly in regard to
various post-9/11 discussions held between the US Government and the British
Government, as well as the governments of Israel, France and Russia. Khalezov says that
it is very difficult to answer this, because he does not know. He says he does not like to
speculate, he could only testify to what he knows for sure. He refers to his book by
saying that most what is said in that book he knew for sure. He says he has done as he
promised - i.e. revealed in the book WHO carried out 9/11 and HOW he did it. However,
when it comes to this kind of discussion, apparently held behind closed doors, it is
difficult to answer and he does not want to speculate. Khalezov says he could guess that
discussions between the US Government and the Russian Government were obviously
concerning the Soviet-made “Granit” missile with its thermo-nuclear warhead that was
fired into the Pentagon - i.e. concerning the points where this missile actually came from
and who should be held responsible for that action. However, even this is only
Khalezov’s guess, because he was not a witness to that discussion. But when it comes to
discussions between the Americans and the British, the Americans and the Israelis, and
the Americans and the French he says simply does not know. The interviewer asks
Khalezov if in his opinion there is any relationship between 9/11 and any Muslim
terrorists, Al-Qaeda, or Saddam Hussein. Khalezov says that according to contemporary
documents, also available for public use, the US Government at September 11, 2001,
about noon time, had already attempted to link Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 perpetration.
He says it is also described in his book. However strangely, if you read an official review
of the 9/11 events - the Report of the 9/11 Commission - it appears that Saddam Hussein
has absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11. The 9/11 Commission Report blames 9/11 on
Osama bin Laden and his so-called Al-Qaeda, instead. But if you visit an official FBI
web site, the list of 10 Most Wanted persons, you will find out that Osama bin Laden is
not wanted by the FBI for 9/11. The FBI clearly states that it has no evidence to charge
Osama bin Laden with 9/11. As one of the 10 Most Wanted on the FBI’s list Osama is
charged only with organizing bombings against the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
in 1998. Khalezov provides a live screenshot of the FBI web site and it appears that
indeed Osama bin Laden is not wanted by the FBI for 9/11; he is only wanted for the
1998 bombings. The screenshot shows that Osama bin Laden’s FBI poster was updated
on November 2001, meaning that the FBI by November 2001 has had no evidence to link
Osama to 9/11 and so it remains up to this day (March 2010, when this video¬
presentation was edited). Thus, Khalezov says, it is not easy at all to answer this question
because the FBI statement contradicts the 9/11 Commission statement, and the reality
shows actually a third thing. The US war against Afghanistan under an official pretext to
capture Osama bin Laden in connection with 9/11 contradicts the FBI evidence. While
the US war against Iraq contradicts the Report of the 9/11 Commission, because it does
not link Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 perpetration. Nonetheless, the US Government went
to war against Iraq to look for weapons of mass destruction, which in 8 years they
haven’t found.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 24:

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