Mr. Miles Guo's revelations in 2022 directly exposed Wang's shameless lies about fentanyl

1 year ago

5/15/2023 The CCP Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin openly lied and shifted the blame for the drug epidemic in the US caused by the CCP onto the US. But Mr. Miles Guo's revelations in 2022 directly exposed Wang's shameless lies! Mr. Guo pointed out that the CCP-controlled Chinatowns, Chinese restaurants, and Uber drivers worldwide are key channels for the CCP to deliver fentanyl globally!
#CCP #fentanyl #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/15/2023 中共外交部发言人汪文斌公开撒谎抵赖,把中共造成的美国毒品泛滥甩锅给美国。而郭文贵先生在2022年的爆料直接戳穿了“战汪”的无耻谎言!郭先生指出,中共控制的世界各地的中国城、中餐馆以及Uber(优步)司机是其向全球输送芬太尼的重要渠道!
#中共 #芬太尼 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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