The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 18 of 26

1 year ago

Part 18. Asked if it is normal for the Russians to destroy missiles in such a manner,
Khalezov answers that it is absolutely abnormal and if the missiles were indeed there,
then some commission should have been created by the Russian Government. Such a
commission should consist of the manufacturers of the missiles, and also manufacturers
of their nuclear warheads, and specialists of the 12 th Chief Directorate who are specialists
in maintaining nuclear weapons and their registrar, and some missile specialists from the
North Fleet, as well as some commanders of submarines which are of the same class as
the “Kursk” and such a commission should evaluate the condition of the missiles and
then to recommend what to do next. Perhaps, based on the actual condition of the
missiles it could recommend just to clean the missiles and put them back in service, or to
disassemble them, but in no case would it order to destroy them in such a manner. Asked
is it normal to destroy nuclear materials used in warheads by such methods, Khalezov
answers that it is not normal, because the nuclear materials are very expensive and
whenever a warhead gets de-commissioned such materials would be used in the next
generation of warheads, or just kept in a very secure manner for some future use. They
are more expensive than gold, according to Khalezov, so why should someone destroy
gold? Asked how expensive the materials are he answers that because they are not being
sold at a market price, there is no market price for them, but, perhaps, a kilogram of
weapon-grade Uranium costs a hundred thousand US dollars, while a kilogram of
Plutonium costs may be 10 times as much. At least 20 kilogram of Plutonium should
have been used in each of the 22 warheads destroyed in such a manner - so one can make
his own calculations as to how many millions of dollars it could have been. Asked if it
was embarrassing for the Russian Government to lose the missiles and the warheads,
Khalezov answers that it was indeed extremely embarrassing; therefore the Russian
Government decided to cover it up in such a manner. Asked does it mean that “terrorists”
still have 22 missiles with thermo-nuclear warheads, Khalezov answers that they should
have 21, because they have already spent one by firing it into the Pentagon on 9/11.
However, whether the “terrorists” still have 21 or 19 is still an open question, because
some US officials believe that there were allegedly 2 more warheads that stuck in the
Twin Towers which were eventually turned to dust and now it is impossible to prove if
they were there in reality or not. Asked what would happen if such a warhead should
explode in London, Khalezov answers that it depends on the altitude. If it exploded at a
high attitude, such a half-megaton explosion would destroy the entire city of London. If
on ground level, may be less - may be 70% of it. It would be like a big Hiroshima - 20
times as much. Asked if he is ready to testify to his claims in regard to stolen missiles,
Khalezov says that yes, he is ready to testify. In fact, he claims, he has already told about
this fact to the US security officials, and they know it very well, but for some strange
reason they did not want to continue this inquiry. It seems that they are satisfied with
what they know.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 19 of 26:

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