Anahata chakra purification activation mantra heart projection

1 year ago

Anahata-chakra (अनाहत - ‘indestructible’, ‘inviolable’) is the heart energy center for the accumulation of life force and energy transformation, the fourth, “middle”, chakra in the chakra system. The heart chakra is the abode of the Jivatman, the center of love, sublime feelings and experiences. At the level of anahata-chakra, we comprehend the direct experience of the divine presence within our "I".

The energy of the anahata chakra maintains the vitality of the whole organism. The median vortex of anahata energy is the center of balance that maintains the balance of the energies of the three lower and three upper chakras.

Chakra sound mantras, mantras to God Vayu of the chakra air elements, mantras to 7 worlds

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