The Third Truth About 9/11 by Dimitri Khalezov - Part 12 of 26

1 year ago

Part 12. Discussion about radioactive vapors started in the previous part moves on.
Khalezov compares the situation described in the part 09 where 400 meters of rock
played the role of a “filter” above the spot of a nuclear explosion 500 meters deep
underground with a situation in the WTC, where such a layer of remaining rock on top of
an underground cavity was thinner than 25 meters. Moreover, he explains using animated
graphics, that even these 25 meters of the remaining rock could not actually have served
as a filter, because in the next second after the Tower’s collapse they would have fallen
into the cavity and melted there at once. Thus there was no “filter” whatsoever in the case
of the WTC. It was only a pile of some of the Towers’ debris laying on top of an open
hole leading to the underground cavity filled with radioactive materials. That is why all
radioactive vapors ascending from the cavity escaped into an atmosphere totally
unfiltered and people who worked at ground zero, as well as Manhattan residents, were
freely inhaling these radioactive vapors. This is followed by several examples of post
9/11 footage showing ground zero workers walking without any respirators amidst
streams of radioactive vapors, and even some Manhattan residents that walk the streets in
dangerous proximity to these streams of radioactive vapors. The discussion moves to the
actual composition of the WTC dust. Khalezov explains that it was possible to recognize
materials in the dust particles and the greater part of the dust was, of course, represented
by steel dust, since steel was the major material used in the Towers’ construction. He
stresses that the volume of concrete used in the WTC was negligible in comparison with
the volume of steel. Some parts of the WTC dust were also represented by furniture dust,
carpet dust, computer dust and, of course, human being dust, because human beings were
reduced to the same state of materials as steel, concrete and furniture. This is followed by
a famous ground zero clip first showing workers working on a pile of debris amidst
streams of vapors and comments by a firefighter Joe Casaliggi who says: “ was 210
storey office buildings, but you don’t find a desk, you don’t find a chair, you don’t find a
telephone, a computer; the biggest piece of a telephone he found was a half of the keypad
and it was about that big (shows its size with fingers); the buildings collapsed to dust.”
Asked how hot the cavities would be, Khalezov answers several thousands degrees
Celsius, perhaps 8.000 degrees or more. To completely cool down with 150 kiloton it
would take about a year. This is followed by a famous piece of footage “Red Hot Ground
Zero” shot 6 weeks after 9/11. That footage shows ground zero workers working without
any respirators amidst streams of vapors and also shows how some red-hot pieces of
metal are being excavated from the WTC pile. Khalezov claims that it is impossible to
sustain such high temperatures for 3 months unless it was nuclear explosions involved.
Asked if he discredits suggestions that it might have been thermite, Khalezov laughs and
answers that thermite could sustain high temperatures for a maximum of fifteen minutes,
because it is the very material used in electric welding. Some footage of cutting of a rail
with electric welding is shown, in which a red-hot part of cut steel end loses its red color
and cools down in less than half-a-minute. Besides, Khalezov stresses that even though
thermite could melt steel it does not mean that thermite could reduce steel to dust. Asked
why the US specialists did not realize that it was nuclear explosions, and not kerosene,
because nuclear explosions effects were pretty obvious, Khalezov answers that the US
specialists were perfectly able to realize it, but they could not admit it to the public. He
claims that the US Government was obliged to divide the 9/11 so-called “truth” into a
few different levels.

Here is a link to a zip-file with Dimitri's deposition in book-form and important related files:

Part 13:

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