Medal of Honor Allied Assault Mission 1 Lighting the Torch Game Play.

1 year ago

Medal of Honor Allied Assault Mission 1 Lighting the Torch Game Play.

Released January 22, 2002

In Allied Assault, the player takes on the role of Lt. Mike Powell of the United States Army Rangers who works for the Office of Strategic Services. Single-player missions include assaulting Nazi bases in Algiers and Norway, storming Omaha Beach on D-Day, and rescuing comrades behind enemy lines in occupied France.

Lighting the Torch (November 7, 1942): Lt. Powell begins his first mission as an OSS agent in North Africa. In the Algerian coastal town of Arzew, Powell is part a ranger squad in a rescue mission to recover the SAS commando Major Jack Grillo. The squad is ambushed and only Powell survives. After saving Grillo, he must help complete Grillo's mission which includes securing the beach areas and taking out the local air field. Powell must finally "light the torch" atop a lighthouse to signal the beginning of Operation Torch.

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