Ep 4 Mae Yoshikawa, Yogini, teacher, mother, and author (audio podcast)

1 year ago

Mae Yoshikawa is a yogini, teacher, mother, and author. She was the first Japanese woman to be officially qualified to teach Ashtanga yoga and won the "Yoga People Award 2016" Best of Yogini. She has graced the covers of over 40 issues of Yogini magazine and authored a widely popular column from 2003-2013. Mae shares her journey of personal growth, overcoming loss, and openness. With tears and laughter along the way, she delivers her message in the pure, raw, and eloquent way that is both profound and authentic at the same time. She is an Adidas Global Yoga Ambassador.
Follow Mae on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maeyoshikawa
Veda Tokyo: Meditation, yoga, zazen, and a variety of wellness related programs.

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