ANTIFA – An Old Idea That Has Resurrected Once Again

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Although ANTIFA seems to be a new militant idea it actually has been around for about a hundred years. In each of its successive brief appearances, it has succeeded in causing mayhem in many sectors of society. They appear to be a loosely knitted band of brothers that do not have loyalty to each other, or to the cause that they are marching in favor of, but the loyalty lies in who pays them and how much they will be paid. They will hate anyone if the price is right. Their main financer is George Soros, a man that hates the ideas of democracy and self-determination. For lack of other words, it is the perfect example of political prostitution with Soros being the pimp and ANTIFA being his whores that find anarchy their perfect customer. So, let’s look into the enigma that calls itself ANTIFA and see if we can make sense out of the senseless, tonight (Tuesday) on Opposing the Matrix at 7 PM Pacific.

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