Shake Shack Secret Menu: 100% MEAT? (Carnivore Diet On-the-Go)

1 year ago

I recently visited a Shake Shack in Manhattan with friends. As usual, I ordered just the meat, all by itself. The staff were friendly and courteous, but I got a little more than beef and bacon…

When I’m hanging out and hungry, fast food can be a surprisingly healthy option―without the bun, the ketchup, the fries, and even the lettuce and tomato.

This is the diet that saved my life, and it’s also the tastiest. 🥩😋🥓

Thanks to Bobby for treating us!

For 10% off of the Carnivore Bar and more, visit and use the code: MICHAELANTHONY.

For $25 in FREE MEAT for your 1st order from Crowd Cow, visit:

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